Wisconsin SR22 insurance
The state of Wisconsin continues to participate in the SR22 program for drivers involved in certain activities. The most common violation requiring an SR22 in WI is DUI/DWI. In order to reinstate your Wisconsin license after a violation like DUI, you will need to obtain SR22, or financial responsibility, endorsed on an auto insurance policy. Many Wisconsin drivers don’t own a vehicle, but still need the SR22 to comply with the compliance program. We write many more policies without a car than with. The compliance requirement for the state is the SR22 endorsement on ANY liability auto policy carrying at least state minimum coverage. In the case where the is no auto, a named-operator SR22, or non-owner SR22 policy is used. This will release the suspended/revoked WI license, and provide liability insurance for operating vehicles that you do not own. These are easy to write, and are often much cheaper than traditional auto policies containing vehicles(s) Either way, at WESSELL INSURANCE we can get you quickly back on the road in Wisconsin, or wherever you live. We operating in most states that use the SR22/FR44 financial responsibility programs, so any multiple state filing problem can be fixed as well… Call us today!