Washington Broad-form SR22 Insurance
The state of Washington requires all licensed drivers to have in-force auto liaiblity insurance when operating a motor vehicle. If you have been convicted of certain violations within the state, you may be asked to carry an SR22 endorsement on a liability insurance policy as well. The SR22 endorsement enables communication between the insurance company and the state Dept of motor vehicles, to ensure the coverage is taken out and maintained. Basically, if you keep the SR22 insurance policy active, your license will remain valid. If you allow the policy to lapse, or cancel prematurely, the state will be notified by the supporting insurance company. Normailly, the state will then suspend or revoke your WA license until you comply with puchasing another SR22 endorsed policy. There are a couple of choices among acceptable policies, one that we find particularly useful is the Broad-form SR22.
The WA Broad-form SR22 is available in 2 forms, auto and cycle. Either will release your license and keep it valid, and they will cover damages caused by you while operating a motorcycle/auto (respectively) whether you own the vehicle or not. The cost of these policies are typically lower than a traditional owner’s policy, and are the primary policy when you don’t own a vehicle at all.. but need the SR22 to release your license. The Broad-form auto SR22 provides useful liability insurance when you occasionally borrow cars, or own multiple vehicles that all can be named on the one policy for the same rate. One driver (the insured) only is allowed on the Broad-form auto SR22 policy. The second policy is the Broad-form Cycle SR22. This will release your suspended drivers license, and keep it valid. It will also cover damages while operating a motorcycle that you own or borrow. They Cycle Broad-form SR22 is by far the cheapest way to release your WA drivers license and keep it valid… starting from $300/year paid in full. You can use a Cycle-form SR22 policy to take care of your license problem, even if you have no intention of operating a cycle, and don’t have a motorcycle endorsement. Many people use the BF Cycle SR22 so as not to involve their existing insurance and household vehicles.
Give WESSELL INSURANCE a call at 1-866-663-7561 for details on these cost saving WA SR22 solutions!