Suspended Drivers License and Cost of SR22 Insurance
Once we reach driving age we all love the sense of freedom that comes with a drivers license. You no longer have to wait for somebody else to bring you somewhere and you now how an ID that allows you to do a number of things. But what happens when your drivers license is suspended? Immediately you feel that sense of freedom disappear. Even if you don’t own your own car, you now can’t even borrow a friends car to run to the store, your life has changed. Reasons why your license may be suspended and the cost of a getting your suspended license reinstated.
A driver license may be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), your states Secretary of State Department (SOS), the Department of Revenue (DOR), or the Motor Vehicle Department of your state.
Your license can be suspended for a number of reasons, including:
- Accumulating too many points on your Motor Vehicle Report
- Habitual offender of traffic violations / speeding tickets.
- Charged with a DUI / DWI.
- Failure to appear in court or pay associated court costs.
- Failure to pay court ordered child support.
If you have a suspended driver’s license that you are hoping to get reinstated be prepared and educate yourself on the steps to get your license back and the costs associated with reinstating your license. At Wessell Insurance Services we sell SR22 insurance to those individuals looking to get their license reinstated. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how many times these individuals purchase a policy one day and cancel the next because they found out they are required to take a class first or they didnt’t read the exact amount of time they had to refrain from driving. By educating yourself and following the steps to get your license reinstated you cold save yourself hundreds of dollars and a tremendous amount of frustration!
Steps to get your drivers license reinstated:
- Refrain from driving for a period of time – make sure to follow this time line. If you are caught driving while on a suspended drivers license, you will lose your driving privleges for even longer.
- Enroll in a defensive driving course or traffic school – If the court ordered you to take one of these classes it is considered mandatory. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s optional!
- Get an SR22 from your insurance company – to get the SR22 certificate of insurance or to ask any questions regarding SR22 isurarance call 1-866-663-7561 or request a quote here.
- Pay a reinstatement fee – The final step in the journey of restoring your drivers license is to pay the DMV a license reinstatement fee. This fee can vary so, contact your local DMV to find out how much.