Fourth of July Driving Tips
With the Fourth of July holiday quickly approaching The National Safety Council has a few tips to keep your family safe on the road.
Typically, people tend to be more concerned about injuries associated with fireworks over the fourth of July, but driving safety should be at the top of their list.
According to the National Safety Council an average of seven people are killed by fireworks each year. But over 460 people will die in car crashes this weekend alone, with another 50,000 injured.
So if you are planning a weekend getaway for the Fourth, here are a few driving tips to keep in mind:
1. Seat belts save lives. This goes without saying and it’s the law. According to The National Safety Council, 181 people will survive car crashes this weekend due to being buckled up.
2. Don’t Drink and Drive. The Fourth of July is a fun holiday spent with friends and family, but only ends in great memories if everybody makes it home alive. If you know you will be drinking make sure your group has a designated driver. Over the last five years, 37% of all fatal car crashes over the Fourth of July weekend have involved alcohol.
3. Don’t text and drive. According to The National Safety Council, the number of reported accidents due to texting and driving is going up at an alarming rate. Remember, whatever message you want to send or read, it can wait.
Stay safe and keep these tips in mind when going out on the road this weekend. And have a safe and happy Fourth of July!