April 2, 2015

DUI Insurance

DUI Insurance Explained

What? Who? and When? do you need DUI insurance.

What is DUI Insurance?
DUI Insurance isn’t an actual insurance policy, It is actually a rider or certificate attached to a standard auto insurance policy, that is sometimes called DUI insurance.  This certificate, also known as a SR-22 certificate,  serves as proof to the state that you have the state mandated liability insurance limits.

Who Needs DUI Insurance? 
DUI Insurance is needed by anybody that has been ordered by the state to carry the SR-22 certificate, or DUI insurance.  Typically, this occurs after somebody has received a DUI / DWI, or has too many points on their license. There are a number of other reasons why the state may require sr-22 DUI insurance.  The court will let you know when it is required.

When is DUI Insurance needed?
DUI insurance is needed when you are trying to get your license reinstated.  Your states motor vehicle department will require you to show proof that you have secured the SR-22 certificate / DWI insurance prior to reinstating your license.

If you have found yourself in this situation and still have questions about DWI insurance and how to get it, please give Wessell Insurance Services a call.

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