When is Your BAC To High to Drive?
Blood Alcohol Concentration – To High to Drive?
To begin with, the definition of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol that is in your blood stream when you are consuming alcohol. The effects of alcohol on your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) can vary greatly from one person to the next. Some users may become intoxicated after one glass of wine and for others it may take four or five glasses. With this in mind, most states have determined that anybody with a BAC of .08 or higher is to high to drive a vehicle. The most common effects of BAC .08 are: impairment of hearing, speech, vision, balance, and reaction time. The individual may be feeling silly and their judgement, reasoning skills and self control are reduced. Driving a car with a BAC of .08 or higher is considered legally impaired and will result in that individual getting a DWI or DUI in their state.
The next question would be how many drinks does it take to get your BAC to .08? As stated above every individual is different but, there are a few variables that come into play in determining your BAC and if it’s to high to drive. The first thing is your gender. An average man weighs more than an average female and will be able to consume more alcohol before he would be considered too drunk to drive. For example, a man who weighs 200lbs can drink 2 drinks and be at a .04 BAC, where as a female who weighs 200lbs is already at a BAC of .05. A drink is any alcoholic beverage that raises your BAC. A 12oz beer, a 4oz glass of wine or a shot of 80 proof liquor would all be considered drinks. In addition to weight and gender a person’s physical condition, how much they ate (and what they ate), how quickly they consume the alcohol, amount of sleep, and if they are currently on any other medications ALL can effect the BAC and if it’s to high to drive.
In conclusion, when it comes to your BAC and driving a vehicle a BAC of .00 is the safest and will always keep you legal.