What is the cheapest SR22 insurance?
At WESSELL INSURANCE, we are always asked how we can provide the cheapest possible SR22 insurance. Being that an SR22 or FR44 filing is an endorsement (monitoring device) to an insurance policy, we have to obey by the insurance laws in each state. In other words, we apply the SR22 filing to a liability insurance policy that must contain AT LEAST state minimum coverage. We can write the policy to minimums, but never below. Some states allow for lower limits than others, just as some states require ‘uninsured motorist’ and some do not. Long story short .. We can write the lowest possible insurance levels in the applicable state, and omit all coverages that are not required. The premium for any given policy is dependent upon the required coverage levels first, then the SR22/FR44 is added to become the monitoring device for the state. The state filing itself is not insurance per say, just a method for the state to keep track of that particular policy. Here at WESSELL INSURANCE, we can provide you with the lowest possible coverage limits to reinstate your license.
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