Virginia sr22 Insurance Update
Virginia SR22 and FR44 Insurance
The sate of Virginia has 2 compliance programs for certain auto offenders, the SR22 program, and the newer FR44 insurance program.
The traditional VA SR22 program has been in place for over 20 years, and requires state minimum liability coverage in an auto policy with or without a vehicle. The non-owner VA SR22 policy is the most popular, gives minimum liability for the insured while driving a vehicle that is not owned, also releases the license and keeps it valid. A traditional owners policy works the same way, just applies the liability to the vehicle on the policy only. Our Virginia experts are available now to quote you.
866-663-7561 WESSELL INSURANCE SR22/FR44
The VA FR44 program works the same way as the SR22, except the liability limits are doubled, and increases the premium a bit. The VA FR44 is required when there is an alcohol violation. Unlike the Florida FR44 program, the VA FR44 is available to pay monthly (paid in full is not required)
Wessell has been selling cheap SR22 and FR44 insurance in Virginia for over 8 years; thousand of licensed drivers remain in compliance!
Call us now 866-663-7561, or fill out a quote form.