Home » Texas Broad-Form SR22 insurance
February 7, 2014

Texas Broad-Form SR22 insurance

The Texas DPS (Department of public safety) oversees the SR22 requirement in the lone-star state.  If you have a suspended TX drivers license, or had certain violations within TX while licensed somewhere else, you will hear from the DPS.  Basically, a monitored insurance policy (SR22, SR22A) will be required to clear the holds on your license and keep it valid.  At Wessell Insurance, we have been writing insurance in Texas for several years, and getting suspended drivers back on the road.

The TX broad-form SR22 auto policy is by far the cheapest, and most effective method to clear your license.  The state minimum coverage will release your license and keep it valid, and provide basic liability insurance while driving automobiles owned, or non-owned.  The damage you would cause would be covered to policy limits (usually state minimums)  You need the SR22 to get your license anyhow… At least  with the broad-from policy, you get some useable coverage for your premium.

WESSELL INSURANCE  866-663-7561 

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