We get calls every day here at Wessell Insurance from people that need SR22 insurance for their license reinstatement… Yet do not own a vehicle. It is true that the SR22 insurance program needs to apply to a motor vehicle. However, the non-owner (or in some states the broad-form) SR22 option will reinstate your license, and keep it valid without owning or having access to a vehicle. In these cases, the required liability limits are applied to yourself for coverage while driving vehicles that you do not own. Regardless of your intentions to borrow vehicles frequently, or never really drive at all.. These non-owner policies will comply with state SR22/FR44 requirements, and are normally much less expensive than traditional auto SR22 owners policies. Even if you do own a vehicle, and have existing insurance often we can still use the non-owner for compliance purposes (varies state to state)
Give us a call now so we can explain ALL of your SR22 options!
1-866-663-7561 and dial 0 for fast service.