North Carolina DL123
North Carolina is unique with its state requirements for auto insurance. In order to possess and maintain a valid drivers license in the state of North Carolina, a person must obtain and maintain at least state mandated minimum liability auto insdurance. Proof of insurance also referred to as financial responsibility comes in the form of a DL123. This DL123 must be presented to obtain a drivers license whether you are a first time driver or moving to North Carolina from another state or country. If you own a vehicle, any insurance will satisfy the requirements, ie. liability or comprehensive and collision, or motorcycle.. Many people question, “i’ve never had a drivers license” or “i don’t own a vehicle.” Here at Wessell Insurance Services SR22-insurance-policies.com we offerr what is known as a Non-owner or operators policy. The Non-owner policy is a liability only auto insurance policy designed for drivers who need insurance but do not own a vehicle. It provides coverage for “non-owned” vehicles which are not readily available in same household. The Non-Owner policy is the cheapest way to meet financial responsibility and get the DL123 and obtain drivers license.
Tags: dl-123, dl123, insurane, non-owner, operator policy