November 20, 2013


The state of VA has maintained the SR22 program for several years, and the FR44 program for about 5 years now. The VA SR22/FR44 programs are still maintained/administered in the same manners since inception of each.  We continue to write cheap SR22 insurance for in-state VA residents… but I would like to touch on a specific situation that has come up time and again here at Wessell Insurance.

When an individual encounters a problem within the state of VA that requires an SR22, or FR44 to be filed against a drivers license… Simple enough, just have an owners, or non-owners SR22 (or FR44) written to comply with the state requirement.  But what happens when the driver moves out of the state before the compliance requirement ends (or needs the filing to begin after moving out of state)  At Wessell Insurance, we help individuals comply with Virginia while out of state, and allow the previously suspended VA drivers license to be traded for a current state license (current resident state)  We are licensed to write both SR22 and FR44 limits and apply them to VA, even though you don’t live there any longer.  You will still have to hold a policy written in your new state, but the state of VA will remain satisfied.  Call us today to get your compliance issue fixed with the state of VA, or any out-of-state issue.


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