Missouri DWI FAQ 1-866-663-7561
Missouri DWI FAQ
Should you agree to a breath test?
This question is difficult to answer and greatly depends on your personal situation and how important driving is to your daily life. A DWI is considered a criminal case by Missouri law and not agreeing to a breath test will automatically result in a one year license suspension. Agreeing to take the breath test, when it is your first offense, typically suspends your license for 90, and after the 90 days the court will sometimes grant limited driving privileges allowing you to drive to and from work or school. This is commonly called a hardship license. If you file an SR-22 within the first 30 days of this suspension, you will get limited driving privileges for the remaining 60 days.
If the police officer asks me if I’ve been drinking, what should I say?
As with any legal situation in the state of Missouri when the police are questioning you, you do not have to answer any of their questions. Legally, just request to speak to an attorney before answering anything.
What are Missouri police officers looking for when accessing a DWI?
The symptoms of intoxication tend to be universal. Police officers are looking for flushed red cheeks, watery, bloodshot eyes, smell of alcohol on your breath, difficulty walking, and slurred speech. When out on the road Missouri police officers look for drivers that are speeding, swerving, driving in the center of the road, difficulty judging turns, and an overall inept sense of driving.
Does the state of Missouri require driving school after a DWI?
Missouri law states that anybody who is convicted of a DWI is required to complete SATOP, Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program. This program, is one of the conditions to license reinstatement, and must be completed prior to getting your Missouri drivers license back. SATOP classes are offered in various locations throughout Missouri.
Will I be required to get an SR-22 after a DWI?
Yes, Missouri law states that anyone convicted of a DWI must also carry the SR-22 insurance. This insurance is a liability policy that is written by a licensed company and agent in the state of Missouri. It serves as proof to the Missouri Department of Revenue that you have secured the state mandated liability insurance limits required for drivers license reinstatement.
Will the DWI be on my record forever?
A DWI is not something anybody wants to brag about or have on their driving record. If you are a first time DWI offender in the state of Missouri you may be offered probation with SIS. SIS stands for “Suspended Imposition of Sentence”, which means that after your successful completion of probation you will earn the right to NOT have the DWI listed on your record. If your probation is violate, you will face a probation revocation hearing and you will most likely lose this privilege.
If you still have questions about Missouri DWI and insurance, please call Wessell Insurance Services.