Do I Need FR44 Insurance?
An FR44 filing is a form that must be issued by an insurance provider in the states of Florida and Virginia for drivers who have certain alcohol-related driving convictions, such as a DUI or DWI. If you have one of these convictions, an FR44 filing must be submitted to the DMV to prove that you have at least the minimum required level of liability coverage in order for the DMV to reinstate your driving license. This minimum amount of coverage that is required varies between states.
The FR44 filing requirement is similar to the SR22 filing, except that the amount of coverage you must carry is greater. Whereas an SR22 can be required in many different states, the FR44 only applies in Florida and Virginia. After a qualifying driving conviction, you will usually need to obtain an FR44 filing each year for three years. Driving without obtaining an FR44 when one is required can lead to your vehicle being seized and your license being suspended for an even longer period. You may also have to pay significant fines.
Needing an FR44 can significantly push up the costs of your insurance premiums. In Florida, an FR44 filing certifies that your insurance provides at least $300,000 of coverage for injuries or death, as well as $50,000 for property damage. This is in contrast to a minimum amount of $10,000 of coverage required by drivers without convictions. The minimum required amounts for liability coverage are slightly lower in Virginia, but still represent a significant hike in costs.
When shopping for an auto insurance policy, you need to make sure that the insurance provider you choose is able to issue an FR44 filing. Preferably, you also want to find an insurer that can supply FR44 insurance at a reasonable price. Once you have a driving offense requiring an FR44 filing on your record, finding affordable insurance suddenly becomes very tricky because insurance providers view you as a high risk. One of the best ways to ensure that you get suitable FR44 insurance at an affordable price is to use an independent insurance agent. These independent agents can seek out an insurance policy that suits your requirements on your behalf, getting you a better deal and helping you save time, as well as money. If you need Florida FR44 Insurance, Give Wessell Insurance Services, LLC a call at 866-663-7561. We look forward to helping you.