California SR22 Quotes
The state of California will let you know when you are required to have a sr22 filing. This filing serves as a proof of a insurance certificate to the California DVM and is provided by your insurance carrier. The insurance company files this form with the DMV letting them know you have secured the sr22 mandated by the state.
Not every California driver needs SR22 insurance. Typically, only those drivers that have had driving violations that have resulted in the suspension of their driver’s license. A few examples of these types of violations include but, are not limited to:
– California DUI or DWI conviction
– Failure to pay child support
– Driving suspensions due to excessive speeding or reckless driving
– Unsatisfied judgement suspensions
– Habitual ticket offender
After the suspenstion time period is over and the driver is ready to reinstate their license, they will need to purchase and file a sr22 with the state of California.
California sr22 insurance is usually required for three consecutive years. The duration an individual is required to carry the sr22 insurance is determined by the state and can vary greatly from one individual to another based on their driving records. Failure to keep the sr22 insurance in good standing results in immediate suspension of the driver’s licsnse.
Contact Wessell Insurance Services, llc if you have any other questions or concerns about California sr22 insurance 1-866-663-7561 or request an online quote.