Home » North Carolina DL123 Form
September 6, 2016

North Carolina DL123 Form

In the state of North Carolina, a non-owner liability insurance policy, or a car insurance policy with a DL123 Form is required to obtain a NC drivers license, or to reinstate your NC drivers license after suspension from a DUI/DWI.

sr22-Insurance-Policies.com DL123SR22-Insurance-Policies.com has issued thousands of North Carolina non-owner liability insurance policies, with the DL123 form to get their North Carolina license.  We have issued thousands of DL123 forms to NC residents that have had their license suspended for DUI or other violations, and need to get it reinstated.

Once the liability insurance policy is issued (with or without a vehicle) we can provide you with the DL123 form that you will need to give to the NC DMV.  This form provides proof of liability insurance and is only good for thirty days from the date it is issued.

We have great rates on car, non owner, motorcycle, golf cart and renters insurance.  Call us today 1-866-663-7561 or get a free quote.

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